- Mons veneris: Part protrude above simphisis, in adult women overgrown hair.
- Labia majora: Consists of the left and right, tapering tapers down, filled with fatty tissue, met at the bottom of the form commisura posterior.
- Labia minora: A crease thin inner labia majora, contains many glands, sebaceous, and neural networks are very sensitive, both lips met on the top of the clitoris to form Prepotium klitoridis and at the bottom of the clitoris forming Frenulum klitoridis, being at the bottom of the form Fossa navikulare.
- Clitoris: Organ of green beans, very erectile, many nerves so very sensitive. The clitoris is similar to the penis in men.
- Vulva (vestibule): oval shaped with the upper limit of the clitoris, labia minora and left right down perineium, just below the clitoris urethral orifice eksternum there, at the bottom there are the Skene's glands and Bartholin gland functioning mucus during coitus. In this area are found externum urethral orifice where the discharge of the urinary tract.
- Introitus vaginae: In women virgin closed by Hymen, hymen is shaped different, and has a hole (hiatus hymenalis) varied for sap and menstruation, generally hymen torn during coitus typically at 5 or 7 and up basic hymen, after childbirth a remnant called carunculae himenalis.

- Vagina: liaison between the introitus of the vagina and uterus, are used to coitus and birth canal, front wall 6 ½ length - 9 cm being the rear wall 9-11 cm. Shape in the vagina vagina pleated folding called rugae that allow the vagina to widen at the time of parturition. In pregnancy there is hypervascularization in the vagina so that the bluish red color called livide.
- Uterus: Located in the pelvis behind the bladder, shaped like fruit peer with a length of 7.5 x 5 x 2.5 cm. The uterus comprises: Fundus uteri, Corpus uteri and cervix uteri. Cavities in the uterus called uterine cavity is lined by endometrial membrane, the fundus of the proximal part is the entry point of the fallopian tubes, being part of the cervix that protrudes into the vagina is called Portio.
- fallopian tubes (Channel eggs): length 10 cm consists 3 parts interstitialis pars, pars isthmica, pars ampularis and infundibulum where the edges there fimbria useful to catch the egg from the ovary during ovulation.
- Ovary: There are two left and right of the thumb as a walnut. It poses the primary immature follicles as much as 100-200 thousand pieces, and during his lifetime the woman put out 400 rounds egg. Issued periodically every 14 days at the time of ovulation. Ovaries secrete hormones estrogen and progesterone hormones that influence terhadah prepare the endometrium for the fertilized egg cell, if fertilization does not occur then endometrim TSB degenerates spasm and ischemia and bleeding is called menstruation.
- Ovum: Its diameter is 0.2 mm, and the life of cells can be fertilized for about 24 hours. Ovum TSB derived from primary follicles that have undergone maturation called Follicle de Graaf.

- Penis (testes): A cylindrical-shaped organ that is in a state of tension is not normal length 6-8 cm, in which there are urethra. The penis consists of three components, namely erectile tissue of corpus cavernosum tissue 2 and 1 network Corpus spongiosum.
- Scrotum (testes Pockets): A bag consisting of a rare connective tissue, located behind the penis, between the thighs and unbiased 2 testicles.

- Testes (testicles): number 2 pieces 5 x 2 x 3 cm, oval, is the main male sex gland that functions: (1) Producing spermatozoa in the tubule seminiferi wherein the process called spermatogenesis; (2) Produces the hormone testosterone (has a secondary sex characteristics)
- Epididymis: It is like a spiral winding channel is located next to the back of the testis, associated with testicular by defferen vas channel. Adlah epididymal function as follows: 1). Is a link between the testicle with the vas defferen; 2). The first barn is the sperm; 3). Sap / liquid useful for the development and maturation process of sperm; 4). Absorbing fluid containing testicular sperm
- Vas defferens (seminal tract): Derived from the testicles into the abdominal cavity through the inguinal Canalis walked into the bladder to the pelvic past urinary tract prostate. Before it empties into the urethra joins the seminal Vesicula, semen storage area before being sprayed.
- Vesicula seminal (Channel sac semen): Is a tubular gland, located on the right and left behind the neck of the bladder. Channels of vesica seminal join the ductus ductus Ejaculatorius defferens form. The pouch serves to store sperm and produce a fluid that is rich in sugars (maybe for the food sperm)
- Prostate gland (prostate gland): Located below the bladder and urinary tract menglilingi. This gland is a compound made up of glands, ducts and channels of smooth muscle. Shaped like a walnut, weighs approximately 20 grams. This gland produces fluid that is alkaline and serves to maintain the survival of sperm.
- Cowperi gland: Produces fluid mucus, clear and alkaline useful as a lubricant (lubricant) during coitus.
- Urethra (urinary tract): Comprising two parts prostatica pars and pars Penica, length 17-23 cm menyarurkan urine and sperm function. Urine and semen may come out simultaneously, as a reflex has been governed by a valve located at the estuary of the meeting between the urinary tract and seminal tract.
- Semen (semen): semen consists of sap / putihan whitish colored liquid, somewhat viscous, comes from glands epididymis, seminal vesica, prostate, cowperi glands, and glands of the urethra. Semen contains the sperm and seminal plasma. In each ejaculation, semen is emitted 2-5 cc cc which each contain 20-120 million sperm cells (spermatozoa). The semen is alkaline, and in this environment the sperm can live for approximately 3 days.
Created within the tubules seminiferi testis through the process of spermatogenesis, on the head there is a sheath that contains enzymes that function penetration of the egg at fertilization, when the vagina can not live more than 8 hours, while in the uterus until tuba can live up to 2-3 days.
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